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The Importance of Filtration for the Printing Press in the...
The printing press has surely evolved throughout time. The number of printers in the world are practically countless. We have gone far beyond Gutenberg's printer. We have made it possible to print 3D objects! Even with our regular printers, we have changed them to allow high quality (color) printing. Our digital printing has improved greatly due to our many innovations.

Railway Filters
Trains travel through every climate condition imaginable. The trains and their conductors are faced with many responsibilities. A train needs to be reliable and punctual, regardless of its content. The train industry relies on safety and excellent performance. The entire safety of rail transport is dependent on a reliable air system.

The Importance of Air Filtration in Small Commercial Vehicles
Commercial vehicles, no matter what shape or size, encounter practically every driving condition you can imagine. They keep the shipment and the driver safe, they deserve to be taken care of, their engine more specifically. Engine filters were manufactured to remove airborne contaminants and keep your engine healthy, but they cannot do that without a watchful eye.

Public Buildings
Appropriate and efficient air filtration in public buildings is a crucial step in relieving society's carbon footprint. Filtration aides indoor air quality and protects the health of occupants. I know this may sound crazy but, public buildings are… PUBLIC! Anyone and any particulate can enter, and although the people leave, do the particulates?

Bus Filtration
Public transportation vehicles should always be in good condition. Carrying around a wide variety of people ranging from children, teenagers, adults, and seniors. It doesn't matter if it is a school bus, tour bus, or a city bus, they should all be reliable and in excellent working order. Maintaining an ideal filtration system is key to a healthy engine, healthy bus, and healthy passengers.